Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Please find below an author's profile for Soror Kayla Block, NOTOCON presenter and author. You can find the complete description of her talk under "Presentations."
"What will you be presenting at NOTOCON VIII?"
“Talismanic Magick in the Face of Uncertainty”
"What inspired you to take on this subject?"
A talisman is an object that encompasses the Will of the magician. Knowing your Will is implied by the very nature of talismanic magick. But what if you don't know your Will?
One of my best friends was in organ failure after a long struggle with a terminal illness. He was within days of death. I felt overwhelmed and helpless, but I desperately wanted to do something. I had no idea what. The time for energy work or healings was long gone. Even the time for interpersonal resolutions was in the past.
And so I began a talismanic working within a framework of uncertainty, utilizing both active and receptive modalities in magical workings.
"What was your greatest "aha" moment?"
When I realized that YHVH could be a valid formula for certain types of talismanic magick.
"Has your research influenced your own magical practice?"
The methodology that I will be speaking about at NOTOCON isn't appropriate for all magical workings, but I do incorporate it into much of my work. In various forms, I've used it for many things, not just
limited to talismanic magick.
"Is the book "Women's Voices in Magick" suitable for the average Thelemite?"
The book is a collection of women's writings about magick. Much of it is personal. Some of it is scholarly. It's suitable for any woman who is interested in ceremonial magick.
"Where can we purchase "Women's Voices in Magick?"
I will have some copies for sale at NOTOCON, but the easiest place to buy it is on Amazon.
Love is the law, love under will.
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