Saturday, June 25, 2011

Author and Presenter Spotlight - R. Leo Gillis

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Please find below an author's profile for R. Leo Gillis, NOTOCON presenter and author.  You can find the complete description of his talk under "Presentations."

"What will you be presenting at NOTOCON VIII?"

I will be presenting the results of research into the Trigrammaton Qabalah, which is based on Crowley’s Liber XXVII. The TQ establishes a new paradigm in number mysticism for the Aeon of Horus, which has its foundation in Base 3, or ternary mathematics. The implications for this paradigm are far-reaching, and touch upon all the traditional areas of a qabalah, including the Tree of Life, magic squares, gematria, and the New Naples Arrangement.

"What inspired you to take on this subject?"

The inspiration for my research was originally found in Liber AL II:55, which mandates that the prophet develop a new English Qabalah. Having found previous efforts in this vein to be sorely lacking, I took it upon myself to discover the implications of Crowley’s own work in this area, and expanded it in order to make a fully developed qabalistic system.

"What was your greatest "aha" moment?"

My greatest ‘aha’ moment came about five years after beginning my research, when I was impelled in the middle of the night to get out of bed and reach for a calculator to add up the English gematria values of all the words in the Book of the Law, but this time including the values of the verse numbers. I fully expected nothing to come of this, and even muttered to myself that I had done this a hundred times with no compelling result. Much to my surprise, the final figure was divisible by 156 to the second power! It was then that I knew that the code of the English gematria of Liber AL had been cracked.

"Where can we purchase Trigrammaton Qabalah?"

Trigrammaton Qabalah can be purchased from the Website here.

"What is the one thing you want people to take away from your presentation?"

I would like people to understand that the TQ represents a fundamental paradigm shift in how we can approach number mysticism; just as binary numbers revolutionized computing, so ternary numbers can revolutionize the more mystical aspects of understanding numbers and how they interact with each other and with our consciousness. The decimal system had its advantages, but these are superseded by ternary maths.

"What books are you reading right now?"

Cosmos and Psyche; The Professor and the Madman; Coming of Age in the Milky Way; The Odd Quantum; The Black Swan (Nassim Talib); Fermat’s Enigma; Einstein’s Clocks, Poincare’s Maps: Empires of Time.

"What authors inspire you most?"

Buckminster Fuller, Aleister Crowley, King Wen and the Duke of Chou, The ARI (Rabbi Isaac Luria), Aryeh Kaplan, Roger Penrose, and Albert Einstein.

Love is the law, love under will.

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