Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Author and Presenter Sotlight - Colin Campbell

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Please find below an author's profile for Colin Campbell, NOTOCON presenter and author.  You can find the complete description of his talk here.

"What will you be presenting at NOTOCON VIII?"

I will be speaking on the concept of the Great Work, pre-Crowley and post-Crowley, with general reference to the Tree of Life and the psychological implications as I see them. Following this, we shall explore where that ultimate realization leaves the individual, and the recognition of the concept of God as a mental phenomenon that can be harnessed and controlled as any other.

"Has your research influenced your own magical practice?"

I think it’s rather the other way around – my magical practice has influenced my research.

"What should someone be familiar with to get the most out of your book?"

“The Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema” was really designed for the Kabbalistic bit-twiddler like myself, which is why it took the form that it did.  If I am investigating one of the Holy Books, which I consider separate entities along a common theme, I have a great deal of analysis at my fingertips with respect to word usage, &c. For example, did you know that the first person pronoun (I) is used 111 times in “The Book of the Law” and the first person possessive (my) is used 111 times in “Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente”?

“The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee” (currently out of print) is meant for anyone interested in Enochian magic, specifically in the tradition of evocation or enthusiasts of The Sigillum Dei in general.

"Where can we purchase “The Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema?"

My work, as well as great number of works of interest to Thelemites, can be purchased through the wonderful people at Teitan Press or Weiser Antiquarian.

"What is the one thing you want people to take away from your presentation?"

That the Great Work is not something other people do. It’s something everyone can and should do, rather than “looking in from afar.”

"What are you working on now?"

Oh, that’s almost always a secret!

"What authors inspire you most?"

Anyone that is willing to put themselves out there.

"Do you have a particular routine or approach for writing?"

I try to approach my work in the grimoire style, illuminated (or not) both by modern research and personal experience. I hope to leave the reader with an understanding of how to go about the matter at hand, something the grimoires themselves – as notes for personal study in most cases – generally fail at to one degree or another.

Love is the law, love under will.

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