Monday, August 1, 2011

Author and Presenter Sotlight - Lon Milo DuQuette

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Please find below an author's profile for Lon Milo DuQuette, NOTOCON presenter and author.  You can find the complete description of his talk here.

"What will you be presenting at NOTOCON VIII?"

ASK BABA LON: Answers to Questions of Life and Magick

"What inspired you to take on this subject?"

20+ years of answering letters from magicians around the world.

"Do you have a particularly memorable moment associated with researching or writing your book?"

Many. Too many to itemize.

"Is your work, “ASK BABA LON: Answers to Questions of Life and Magick”, suitable for the average Thelemite?"

Is there such a thing as an "average Thelemite?"

"What should someone be familiar with to get the most out of your book?" 

Magick and the work of Aleister Crowley, the O.T.O. and A.'.A.'.

"Where can we purchase “ASK BABA LON: Answers to Questions of Life and Magick?"

Bookstores and the internet.

"What is the one thing you want people to take away from your presentation?"

I want them to laugh. I want them to cry. I want them to kiss $19.95 goodbye!

"What are you working on now?"

8 = 3

"What books are you reading right now?"

I'm not reading a book right now.

"What authors inspire you most?"

Mark Twain, Aleister Crowley.

"Do you have a particular routine or approach for writing?"

Yes. Pretty much all the time.

Love is the law, love under will.