Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Here are the FAQs for NOTOCON VIII...
Q. Who can attend NOTOCON VIII?
A. NOTOCON attendance is open to all active initiate members in good standing of OTO. All attendees must pre-register for NOTOCON and be of the Minerval degree or above.
Q. Can my spouse attend? What about my kids?
A. Significant others are allowed to attend in special instances only. If you are an initiate of III° or above, you may submit the name of your significant other to Pending the discretion and approval by the Supreme and Holy King, your partner will be allowed to attend and be required to pay the full registration fee. This is an adult only conference.
Q. Are there childcare options with other parents?
A. Some parents have expressed interest in coordinating childcare. Please contact Soror Margaret at for this information. NOTOCON will not coordinate for parents or provide facilities for children, only provide contact information.
Q. Can I rent a car to get around?
A. If you plan on renting a car, please go to the link below for a list of all rental companies at Detroit Metro Airport. Please make your reservation before you leave. Make sure that the rental car company will accept whatever form of payment you are offering ahead of time. Experienced travelers report that only Enterprise Rental will accept a debit card, despite the Visa or MasterCard symbol on it. The deposit will be between $ 299 and $ 499. All other rental car companies will only take an actual credit card. Please check ahead of time if you plan on using a Discover or American Express card.
Q. What are the driving directions from the airport to the hotel?
A. Driving directions from Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport to the Hyatt Regency Dearborn: Approximately 13 Miles
Head northeast on William G. Rogell Drive toward East Service Road, then stay straight to go onto Merriman Road. Merge onto I-94 East toward Detroit. Take the M-39 exit, number 204, toward Southfield Freeway; merge onto M-39/Southfield Freeway NORTH via exit on the left. Take the US-12 exit, number 6, toward Michigan Ave. Merge onto Michigan Ave/US-12 WEST, and then veer slightly right onto Evergreen Road, then right again onto Valley View Drive. Make a right onto Town Center Drive and approach the Hyatt Regency Dearborn Hotel.
Q. How do I get from the airport to the hotel if I don’t have a car or want to rent one?
A. You can find a taxi at that same link:
You may also write to us at to find someone to share a taxi with to and from the airport.
Cab fare to and from the airport is approximately $45 each way plus gratuity.
Q. What is the dress code for the banquet?
A. This is traditionally a formal attire event, but a suit or cocktail dress is certainly fine as well. Generally there is a diverse array of Thelemic finery.
Q. Is smoking allowed in the inside the hotel?
A. Smoking is not allowed inside any public building in Michigan.
Q. Can we share rooms and how do I make those arrangements?
A. Yes, you may share rooms. Please contact Soror Margaret at to
make roommate arrangements.
Q. Is there a deposit required by the hotel at then time of check-in?
A. The Hyatt Regency will require a $50 per day deposit on your Visa, MasterCard or debit card. For example, a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night registration would require a deposit of $150.
Q. Should I wear my white robe to the Gnostic Mass?
A. Your white confirmation robe is optional, but please note there may not be a private area for you to robe up without encountering the other hotel guests.
Q. What is the weather forecast for Detroit, MI?
A. Average temperature in Detroit, MI for August is in the 70s and the average rainfall is 3.1 inches.
Q. What else is there to do? What are the local attractions?
A. Please see both the Hotel and Environs and Detroit Attractions posts on the NOTOCON blog. You can get there by clicking the Blog button on the website.
Q. Are there massage services available there?
A. The hotel does not have a spa; however, there will be a massage therapist available through hotel services. There may also be local Brethren available by appointment.
Q. Can I come early or stay late?
A. Absolutely!
Love is the law, love under will.
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